DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present] : [736] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 736
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
NRR13-39 Moore chickpea P thornei Coonamble Trangie  2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Effect of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei on chickpea yield – Coonamble & Trangie 2012Moore, Kevin; Hobson, Kristy; Harden, Steve; Jenkins, Leigh; Brill, Rohan 
NRR13-38 Moore chickpea phtophthora Coonamble 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Increasing numbers of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei did not affect yield of six chickpea varieties – Coonamble 2012Moore, Kevin; Harden, Steve; Brill, Rohan; Coombes, Neil 
NRR13-37 Moore chickpea phtophthora Warwick 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Response of chickpea genotype to Phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora medicaginis) – Warwick Qld 2012Moore, Kevin; Hobson, Kristy; Harden, Steve; Nash, Paul; Chiplin, Gail; Martin, William; King, Kris 
NRR13-36 Verrell chickpea SD density virus-+.pdf.jpg2013The effects of sowing date and plant density on virus symptoms in chickpeaVerrell, Andrew 
NRR13-35 Moore chickpea ascochyta Tamworth 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Seed and in-furrow (fertiliser) fungicides are not effective for early season management of chickpea Ascochyta – Tamworth 2012Moore, Kevin; Harden, Steve; Nash, Paul; Chiplin, Gail 
NRR13-34 Simpfendorfer chickpea P thornei 2010-+.pdf.jpg2013Desi chickpea varieties differ in their resistance to the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei – Come-by-Chance 2010Simpfendorfer, Steven; Gardner, Matthew; McMullen, Guy 
NRR13-33 Simpfendorfer barley durum wheat Mungindi 2011-+.pdf.jpg2013Resistance of barley, durum and bread wheat varieties to the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei – Mungindi 2011Simpfendorfer, Steven; Gardner, Matthew 
NRR13-32 Simpfendorfer barley durum wheat Coonamble 2011-+.pdf.jpg2013Resistance of barley, durum and bread wheat varieties to the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei – Coonamble 2011Simpfendorfer, Steven; Gardner, Matthew; Brill, Rohan 
NRR13-31 Gardner crown rot Walgett 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Effect of row spacing and plant population on soil water use and the impact of crown rot – Walgett 2012Gardner, Matthew; Simpfendorfer, Steven; Perfrement, Jim 
NRR13-30 Brill barley nematode Trangie 2011-+.pdf.jpg2013Resistance of eleven barley varieties to the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei – Trangie 2011Brill, Rohan; Simpfendorfer, Steven 
NRR13-29 Kadkol durum crown rot-+.pdf.jpg2013Breeding durum wheat for crown rot toleranceKadkol, Gururaj; Simpfendorfer, Steven; McCorkell, Bruce; Tokachichu, Raju 
NRR13-28 Muir life cycle greenhouse gas-+.pdf.jpg2013Life Cycle Assessment of greenhouse gas emissions during wheat production: initial studiesMuir, Sally; Schwenke, Graeme; Herridge, David; Brock, Pip; Scott, Fiona 
NRR13-27 Weaver VSAP Walgett-+.pdf.jpg2013VSAP Broadacre Variety Trial – WalgettWeaver, Tim; Rummery, Greg; Groat, Sarah 
NRR13-26 Brill wheat Trangie 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Sowing time response of 12 wheat varieties – Trangie 2012Brill, Rohan; Jenkins, Leigh 
NRR13-25 Serafin sorghum irrigation variety-+.pdf.jpg2013Sorghum – Irrigation management and hybrid selectionSerafin, Loretta; Frazer, Ben; McMullen, Guy 
NRR13-24 Serafin sorghum Rowena 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Sorghum in the western zone – Row Configuration x Population x Hybrid – “Glendara”, Rowena 2012Serafin, Loretta; McMullen, Guy; Frazer, Ben; Weaver, Tim; Scott, Fiona 
NRR13-23 McMullen sorghum row variety Mungindi 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Sorghum in the western zone – Row Configuration x Population x Hybrid – “Morialta”, Mungindi 2012McMullen, Guy; Serafin, Loretta; Frazer, Ben; Burley, Tim; Carty, Russell; Scott, Fiona 
NRR13-22 Jenkins canola sowing date Trangie 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Effect of time of sowing and variety choice on canola establishment and yield – Trangie 2012Jenkins, Leigh; Brill, Rohan 
NRR13-21 Gardner canola Indian mustard-+.pdf.jpg2013Evaluation of Indian Mustard varieties against Canola from a late planting time at Tamworth in 2012Gardner, Matthew; Bambach, Rod 
NRR13-20 McNee canola Nyngan 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013The effect of plant population on grain yield and oil concentration of four canola varieties – Nyngan 2012McNee, Tim; Brill, Rohan; Jenkins, Leigh 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 736