DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present] : [736] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 736
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
NRR13-19 Brill canola variety depth-+.pdf.jpg2013The effect of sowing depth on establishment and yield of six canola varieties – Coonamble, Nyngan and Trangie, 2012Brill, Rohan; Jenkins, Leigh; McNee, Tim 
NRR13-18 Gardner canola variety sowing date-+.pdf.jpg2013Response of fifteen canola varieties to three planting times at Tamworth in 2012Gardner, Matthew; Bambach, Rod 
NRR13-17 Gardner canola depth-+.pdf.jpg2013Can we establish canola from depth? – Moree, Blackville and Glasshouse studies 2012Gardner, Matthew; Hosking, Jan; Bambach, Rod 
NRR13-16 Gardner canola soil water-+.pdf.jpg2013Manipulating canola growth to conserve soil water – Tamworth and Blackville 2012Gardner, Matthew; Bambach, Rod; Morphett, Stephen 
NRR13-15 Chapman safflower population nitrogen-+.pdf.jpg2013Safflower – Yield responses to varying nitrogen and plant populationChapman, Craig; Gardner, Matthew; McMullen, Guy 
NRR13-14 Jenkins chickpea sowing date variety 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Effect of time of sowing and variety choice on chickpea yield – Trangie 2012Jenkins, Leigh; Brill, Rohan 
NRR13-13 Serafin dual-purpose Somerton 2012-+.pdf.jpg2013Dual purpose cereals – Somerton 2012Serafin, Loretta; Formann, Peter; Gardner, Matthew; Pottie, Dougal 
NRR13-12 Gardner weed row variety-+.pdf.jpg2013Using row orientation, row spacing and variety selection as weed management tools – Bithramere 2012Gardner, Matthew; Mortell, Patrick; Morphett, Stephen 
NRR13-11 Gardner wheat sowing date Tamworth-+.pdf.jpg2013Response of current and future wheat varieties to three planting times at Tamworth in 2012Gardner, Matthew; Mortell, Patrick; Perfrement, Jim 
NRR13-10 Verrell row placement-++.pdf.jpg2013Row placement strategies in a break crop-wheat sequenceVerrell, Andrew 
NRR13-9 Serafin dual-purpose Somerton 2011-+.pdf.jpg2013Managing dual purpose cereals – Somerton 2011Serafin, Loretta; Formann, Peter; Pottie, Dougal 
NRR13-8 Serafin dual-purpose nth-+.pdf.jpg2013Dry matter production from dual purpose cereals for the Northern Slopes and Plains – a summary of 5 years of trialsSerafin, Loretta; Gardner, Matthew; Harden, Steve; Fleming, James; Pottie, Dougal 
NRR13-7 Serafin oats Somerton-+.pdf.jpg2013Dual purpose oats – Somerton 2012Serafin, Loretta; Formann, Peter; Gardner, Matthew; Pottie, Dougal 
NRR13-6 Gardner barley wheat durum Walgett-+.pdf.jpg2013Impact of sowing time on crown rot in barley, bread and durum wheat – Walgett 2012Gardner, Matthew; Simpfendorfer, Steven 
NRR13-5 Gardner barley malting-+.pdf.jpg2013Performance of some new malting barley varieties – Spring Ridge and Gurley 2012Gardner, Matthew 
NRR13-4 Gardner barley lodging-+.pdf.jpg2013Lodging management for Commander[PBR] – Moree, Gurley and Breeza 2012Gardner, Matthew; Morphett, Stephen; Perfrement, Jim 
NRR13-3 Gardner barley Tamworth-+.pdf.jpg2013Response of eighteen barley varieties to three planting times at Tamworth in 2012Gardner, Matthew; Mortell, Patrick; Morphett, Stephen 
NRR13-2 Gardner barley Somerton-+.pdf.jpg2013Grazing potential and grain recovery of eight spring barley varieties – Somerton 2012Gardner, Matthew; Serafin, Loretta; Formann, Peter; Pottie, Dougal 
NRR13-1 Brill sowing date barley Trangie-+.pdf.jpg2013Sowing time response of 15 barley varieties – Trangie 2012Brill, Rohan 
NRR-14-51 Muir carbon footprint wheat-+.pdf.jpg2014Carbon footprint of long fallow wheat production in north-east NSW using Life Cycle Assessment of greenhouse gas emissionsMuir, Sally; Schwenke, Graeme; Brock, Pip; Scott, Fiona; Herridge, David 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 736