DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present] : [736] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 736
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
NRR2017-05-Brooke-+.pdf.jpg2017Agronomic drivers of yield in rain fed wheat production systems of Central West NSW – TrangieBrooke, Greg; Graham, Rick; McMullen, Guy; Simpfendorfer, Steven; Graham, Neroli 
NRR2017-04-Graham-+.pdf.jpg2017Agronomic drivers of yield in rain-fed wheat production systems – Liverpool PlainsGraham, Rick; McMullen, Guy; Simpfendorfer, Steven; Graham, Neroli 
NRR2017-03-Graham-+.pdf.jpg2017Re-evaluating seed colour change in canola to improve harvest management decisions – Tamworth 2016Graham, Rick; Bambach, Rod; Hosking, Jan; Morphett, Stephen; dal Santo, Michael; Perfrement, Jim 
NRR2017-02-Graham-+.pdf.jpg2017Wheat variety response to plant population and sowing date – Terry Hie Hie 2015Graham, Rick; Morphett, Stephen; Perfrement, Jim; dal Santo, Michael; Graham, Neroli 
NRR2017-01-Brooke-+.pdf.jpg2017Yield response of 32 bread wheat entries across three sowing dates – Trangie 2016Brooke, Greg; Bird-Gardiner, Tracie; Jenkins, Jayne 
NRR-2018-Simpfendorfer-4-+.pdf.jpg2018Regional crown rot management – Rowena 2017Simpfendorfer, Steven; Gardner, Matt; Shapland, Robyn 
NRR-2018-Simpfendorfer-3-+.pdf.jpg2018Regional crown rot management – Edgeroi 2017Simpfendorfer, Steven; Graham, Rick; Shapland, Robyn 
NRR-2018-Simpfendorfer-2-+.pdf.jpg2018Regional crown rot management – Gilgandra 2017Simpfendorfer, Steven; Brooke, Greg; Potts, Ryan; Shapland, Robyn 
NRR-2018-Simpfendorfer-1-+.pdf.jpg2018Impact of winter cereal crop choice on final soil populations of Pratylenchus thornei – Rowena 2017Simpfendorfer, Steven; Gardner, Matt 
NRR-2018-Mugerwa-1-+.pdf.jpg2018Yield response of canola and wheat to nitrogen application – Tamworth 2017Mugerwa, Thomas Tendo Mukasa; Graham, Rick; Formann, Peter 
NRR-2018-Hertel-7-+.pdf.jpg2018Mungbean planting date × row configuration × population – Narrabri 2015/16Hertel, Kathi; Whitton, Mitch; Morphew, Joe; Harden, Steven 
NRR-2018-Hertel-6-+.pdf.jpg2018Mungbean row configuration × population × variety – Narrabri and the Liverpool Plains 2014/15Hertel, Kathi; Chapman, Craig; Morphew, Joe; Harden, Steven 
NRR-2018-Hertel-5-+.pdf.jpg2018Evaluating mungbean varieties for northern NSW and the Liverpool Plains – 2013/14 and 2014/15Hertel, Kathi; Chapman, Craig; Morphew, Joe; Harden, Steven 
NRR-2018-Hertel-4-+.pdf.jpg2018Evaluating fipronil as a seed dressing for lucerne crown borer (Zygrita diva) management in soybeans – 2015/16 and 2016/17Hertel, Kathi; Brier, Hugh; Whitton, Mitch; Morphew, Joe; Harden, Steven 
NRR-2018-Hertel-3-+.pdf.jpg2018Soybean sowing date × genotype × plant population – Narrabri and the Liverpool Plains 2013/14 and 2014/15Hertel, Kathi; Chapman, Craig; Morphew, Joe; Harden, Steven 
NRR-2018-Hertel-2-+.pdf.jpg2018Soybean row configuration × population × variety – Narrabri and the Liverpool Plains 2013/14 and 2014/15Hertel, Kathi; Chapman, Craig; Morphew, Joe; Harden, Steven 
NRR-2018-Hertel-1-+.pdf.jpg2018Evaluating new soybean varieties for Northern NSW and the Liverpool Plains – 2013/14 and 2014/15Hertel, Kathi; Chapman, Craig; Morphew, Joe; Harden, Steven 
NRR-2018-Graham-2-+.pdf.jpg2018Improving harvest management decisions in canola – implications of seed colour change on windrow timing and yield – Tamworth 2017Graham, Rick; Bambach, Rodney; Hosking, Jan; Morphett, Stephen 
NRR-2018-Graham-1-+.pdf.jpg2018Wheat response to deep placement of phosphorus – Gurley 2017Graham, Rick; Mugerwa, Thomas Tendo Mukasa; Formann, Peter 
NRR-2018-Ensbey-1-+.pdf.jpg2018Managing heavy clay soils to improve grain production in a high rainfall environment: Investigating soil amendments on soil properties and soybean yield – Codrington 2017/18Ensbey, Nathan; Moore, Natalie; Aitken, Robert 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 736