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Title: Report from the select committee on working of the Fisheries Act together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendices
Other Titles: Working of the Fisheries Act 1889
Authors: Farnell. Esq., Frank In the Chair
New South Wales. Parliament
Commissioners of Fisheries
Keywords: New South Wales. Fisheries Act 1881;Fishery law and legislation - New South Wales
Issue Date: 1889
Publisher: Commissioners of Fisheries
Description: Ordered by the Legislative Assembly to be printed 27 August 1889
Caption title: 1889 Legislative Assembly New South Wales
"381-a" "Ordered by the Legislative Assembly to be printed, 27 August, 1889." At head of title: 1889. Legislative Assembly. New South Wales. "Frank Farnell, Chairman"--p. 4.
Appears in Collections:Commissioners of Fisheries [Colonial Secretary's Department] [1881 -1903]

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