Commissioners of Fisheries [Colonial Secretary's Department] [1881 -1903] : [23] Collection home page

The first Commissioners of Fisheries were appointed on 19 April 1881 under the Fisheries Act of 1881 (Act 44 Vic. No.26). The Commissioners were responsible for the protection, development, and regulation of the public fisheries of New South Wales. Prior to the Commissioners’ appointment, the administration of fisheries was the responsibility of the Department of Lands. The Fisheries Act 1902 (Act No.119, 1902) remodelled the law relating to the Fisheries of the State, replacing the Commissioners of Fisheries with a Board of Fisheries on 27 March 1903. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Report, New South Wales, Sea Fisheries, 1898.pdf.jpg1898Sea fisheries : Report upon Trawling Operations off the Coast of New South Wales between the Manning River and Jervis Bay, carried on by H. M. C. S. 'Thetis' under the direction of Frank Farnell, M. P. together with scientific report on the fishes by Edgar R. Waite, F. L. S.- 
1899.pdf.jpg1899Fisheries of the colonyCommissioners of Fisheries 
1898.pdf.jpg1898Fisheries of the colony : report of the Commissioner of Fisheries 1898Commissioners of Fisheries; Commissioners of Fisheries 
1897.pdf.jpg1897Fisheries of the colony : report of the Commissioner of Fisheries 1897Commissioners of Fisheries 
1896.pdf.jpg1896Fisheries of the colony : report of the Commissioner of Fisheries 1896Commissioners of Fisheries; Commissioners of Fisheries [Colonial Secretary's Department] 
1895.pdf.jpg1895Fisheries of the colony : report of the Commissioner of Fisheries 1895Commissioners of Fisheries; Commissioners of Fisheries [Colonial Secretary's Department] 
1894.pdf.jpg1894Fisheries of the colony : report of the Commissioner of Fisheries 1894Commissioners of Fisheries; Commissioners of Fisheries [Colonial Secretary's Department] 
1893.pdf.jpg1893Fisheries of the colonyCommissioners of Fisheries 
1892.pdf.jpg1892Fisheries of the colony : report of the Commissioner of Fisheries 1892Commissioners of Fisheries; Commissioners of Fisheries [Colonial Secretary's Department] 
1891.pdf.jpg1891Fisheries of the colony : report of the Commissioner of Fisheries 1891Commissioners of Fisheries 
1891 legislative committee.pdf.jpg1891Fisheries Commission : report of the Commissioner of Fisheries 1891Commissioners of Fisheries; Commissioners of Fisheries [Colonial Secretary's Department] 
1890.pdf.jpg1890Fisheries of the colony : report of the Commissioner of Fisheries 1890Commissioners of Fisheries; Commissioners of Fisheries [Colonial Secretary's Department] 
history of the fisheries of New South Wales with a sketch of the laws by which thet have been regulated.pdf.jpg1893The History of the Fisheries of New South Wales with a sketch of the laws by which they have been regulated : compiled from official and other authentic sourcesCommissioners of Fisheries; Thompson, Lindsay G; World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.) 
Farnell, F. (1889)  Report from Select Committee Working of the Fisheries Act.pdf.jpg1889Report from the select committee on working of the Fisheries Act together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendicesFarnell. Esq., Frank In the Chair; New South Wales. Parliament; Commissioners of Fisheries 
1885 Appendix A.pdf.jpg1885Catalogue of the Fishes of New South Wales with their principal synonymsDouglas Ogilby; Commissioners of Fisheries 
lif_1903_20070501112130.pdf.jpg1903Fisheries of New South Wales (report of the Commissioners for the year 1903)Commissioners of Fisheries 
lif_1902_20070501094156.pdf.jpg1902Fisheries of New South Wales (report of the Commissioners for the year 1902)Commissioners of Fisheries 
lif_1901_20070501093015.pdf.jpg1901Fisheries of New South Wales : report of the Commissioners for the year 1901Commissioners of Fisheries 
lif_1900_20070501093015.pdf.jpg1900Fisheries of New South Wales : report of the Commissioners of Fisheries for the year 1900Commissioners of Fisheries 
lif_1889_20070501102827.pdf.jpg1889Fisheries of the colony : report of the Commissioner of Fisheries 1889Commissioners of Fisheries 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23