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PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Quarterly Notes 15 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st April 1974.pdf.jpg1974Abstracts from seminar on storage and retrieval of geological information with particular reference to computer systemsMichie P. and O'Brien M; Department of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 1 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st October 1970.pdf.jpg1970Age of the Billabong Creek limestoneDepartment of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes Geological Survey of New South Wales No 153 September 2020.pdf.jpg2020Basal Darriwilian graptolites and associated conodonts from New South Wales and their biostratigraphic implicationsY.Y. Zhen, Y.D. Zhang, Trigg; Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, China; Geological Survey of NSW; Department of Regional NSW 
Quarterly Notes 12 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st July 1973.pdf.jpg1973A bibliographic information storage and retrieval system for Geological reportsScheibnerova V.; Department of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 9 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st October 1972.pdf.jpg1972The Coila BasinBembrick C.S; Gilligan L, B; Department of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 27 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st April 1977.pdf.jpg1977Correlation of cretaceous lithostratigraphic, lithological, palynological, and foraminiferal units in the Great Australian Basin by V. Scheibnerova and ByrnesDepartment of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 31 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st April 1978.pdf.jpg1978Further evidence for the age of the Sofala volcanicsDepartment of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 34 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st January 1979.pdf.jpg1979Large scale early folding and tectonic levels in the northwestern part of the Willyama Complex, New South Wales discussion and replyCorbett G. J; Barnes R; Department of Mineral Resources and Development; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 36 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st July 1979.pdf.jpg1979The Mulga Downs group and its relation to the amphitheatre group southwest of CobarGlen R. A.; Department of Mineral Resources and Develpoment 
Quarterly Notes 4 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st July 1971.pdf.jpg1971Preliminary report on DM Callala DDH 1Geological Survey of NSW; Department of Mines 
Quarterly Notes 32 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st July 1978.pdf.jpg1978Proposed nomenclature for the cainozoic sediments of the Penrith - Windsor areaDepartment of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 17 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st October 1974.pdf.jpg1974Quarterly Notes 17 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st October 1974Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 26 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st January 1977.pdf.jpg1977Quarterly Notes 26 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st January 1977Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 18 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st January 1975.pdf.jpg1975Recent evidence for the age of Great Australian Basin cretaceous sediments in New South WalesJohn Byrnes, Roger Morgan, and Viera Scheibnerova; Department of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 30 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st January 1978.pdf.jpg1978Reinterpretation of “pegmatite” in the centennial-Allendale portion of the Broken Hill BlockDepartment of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 20 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st July 1975.pdf.jpg1975Revised stratigraphy of the Cobar-Gunderbooka area Quarterly Notes 20 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st July 1975C.J. Baker, B.L. Schmidt, and L. Sherwin; Department of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 13 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st October 1973.pdf.jpg1973Siluro-Devonian strata east of Wyalong.Department of Mines 
Quarterly Notes 29 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st October 1977.pdf.jpg1977Stratigraphy and palynology of the Oaklands Basin. New South WalesMorgan R; Department of Mines; Geological Survey of NSW 
Quarterly Notes 11 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st April 1973.pdf.jpg1973Structural subdivision of the New South Wales portion of the Sydney Bowen BasinDepartment of Mines 
Quarterly Notes 16 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st July 1974.pdf.jpg1974A structural subdivision of the Surat basin in the Warialda areaBourke D.J.; Geological Survey of NSW; Department of Mines