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Title: National Parks and Wildlife Service Annual Report 1977
Authors: National Parks and Wildlife Service
Keywords: Scanned Files;Annual report;Parks reserves and protected areas;Park management
Issue Date: 1977
Series/Report no.: National Parks and Wildlife Service annual reports
Abstract: This report examines the operational achievements and strategic developments of the National Parks and Wildlife Service NSW during the 1976-77 fiscal year, marking its tenth anniversary of establishment. The analysis reveals significant expansion in protected areas, with a 123% increase in reserved lands since 1967, encompassing more diverse environmental zones. Key conservation initiatives include the establishment of Mallee Cliffs National Park to protect endangered mallee fowl populations and securing critical habitat for the yellow-footed rock wallaby. Notable policy developments include the inaugural declaration of an Aboriginal Place at King Merriman Island, reflecting enhanced commitment to Indigenous cultural preservation. Operational capabilities were enhanced through the acquisition of advanced helicopter resources, particularly beneficial for fire management activities. The findings demonstrate the Service's evolving role in environmental conservation and cultural heritage preservation, while highlighting the critical importance of community partnerships and volunteer engagement in achieving conservation objectives.
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present]

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