National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present] : [4193] Collection home page

The National Parks and Wildlife Service was established by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1967 (Act No.35, 1967), but in fact had been formed administratively during the preceding months by the amalgamation of officers formerly attached to the Fauna Protection Panel, and the Parks and Reserve Branch of the Department of Lands,and functioned as a Branch of that Department. On 1 October 1967 the Service assumed an independent existence, with the Director of National Parks and Wildlife directly responsible to the Minister. For a detailed history of the NPWS, see the State of New South Wales Museums of History NSW website:

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 4193
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
glenrock-state-conservation-area-planning-considerations-240124.pdf.jpg2025Glenrock State Conservation Area Planning Considerations reportDepartment of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water; National Parks and Wildlife Service 
glenrock-state-conservation-area-plan-of-management-240123_0.pdf.jpg2025Glenrock State Conservation Area Plan of ManagementNational Parks and Wildlife Service; Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 
AustralianRainforestsinNSW_FloydV1.pdf.jpg1990Australian rainforests in New South Wales: volume 1Alexander, G. Floyd 
The vegetation and plant species of Torrington State Recreation area.pdf.jpg1998The vegetation and plant species of Torrington State Recreation AreaClarke, P. J; Copeland, Lachlan M; Hunter, John T; Nano, Cathy E; Williams, John B; Wills, Karen E; National Parks and Wildlife Service 
yanga-parks-draft-plan-management-170687.pdf.jpg2018Yanga National Park, Yanga State Conservation Area and Yanga Nature Reserve Draft Plan of ManagementNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
Statutory review report - Part 5A NPW Act - carbon sequestration provisions - version published on EH the website 9 December 2024.pdf.jpg2024Review of Part 5A National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974; National Parks and Wildlife Service 
killalea-regional-park-plan-of-management-240285.pdf.jpg2024Killalea Regional Park plan of managementNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
ThreatAbatementPlanPlaqueMinnow.pdf.jpg2003Predation by Gambusia holbrooki - the Plague Minnow - Approved NSW Threat Abatement PlanNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
BitouTAPText.pdf.jpg2006Invasion of native plant communities by Chrysanthemoides monilifera (bitou bush and boneseed) - Approved NSW threat abatement planNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
RedfoxApproved.pdf.jpg2001Predation by the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) - NSW Threat abatement planNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
bushrock.pdf.jpg1999Bushrock removal - Threatened Species InformationDepartment of Urban Affairs and Planning; National Parks and Wildlife Service 
feralHoneybeesFactsheet.pdf.jpg2002Competition from Feral Honeybees as a Key Threatening Process – an overviewNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
tsprofileBlackbrowedAlbatross.pdf.jpg1999Black-browed Albatross - Threatened species informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
tsprofileShyAlbatross.pdf.jpg1999Shy Albatross - Threatened species informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
tsprofileSootyAlbatross.pdf.jpg1999Sooty Albatross - Threatened species informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
recoveryplanDraftFloraRockyOutcrops.pdf.jpg2003Recovery Plan for Threatened Flora of Rocky Outcrops in South Eastern New South Wales - Draft NSW & National Recovery PlanNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
ZieriaInvolucrataEIAGuidelinesApr04.pdf.jpg2004Zieria involucrata - Environmental impact assessment guidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
ZgranulataEiaJan05.pdf.jpg2005Zieria granulata - Environmental impact assessment guidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
ZcovenyiEia0500.pdf.jpg2000Zieria covenyi - Environmental impact assessment guidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
box-gumIdGuidelines.pdf.jpg-White Box Yellow Box Blakely’s Red Gum Woodland (Box-Gum Woodland) - Idnetification guidelines for endangered ecological communitiesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 4193