National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present] : [4237] Collection home page

The National Parks and Wildlife Service was established by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1967 (Act No.35, 1967), but in fact had been formed administratively during the preceding months by the amalgamation of officers formerly attached to the Fauna Protection Panel, and the Parks and Reserve Branch of the Department of Lands,and functioned as a Branch of that Department. On 1 October 1967 the Service assumed an independent existence, with the Director of National Parks and Wildlife directly responsible to the Minister. For a detailed history of the NPWS, see the State of New South Wales Museums of History NSW website:

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 4237
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
brimbin-nature-reserve-footbridge-replacement-review-environmental-factors-250034.pdf.jpg2025Brimbin Nature Reserve Footbridge replacement review of environmental factorsNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
kosciuszko-offset-project-annual-park-management-report-2023-24-250059.pdf.jpg2025Kosciuszko Offset Project annual park management report 2023–24- 
kosciuszko-offset-project-annual-biodiversity-report-2023-24-250060.pdf.jpg2025Kosciuszko Offset Project annual biodiversity report 2023–24- 
verges-creek-nature-reserve-statement-of-management-intent-250041.pdf.jpg2025Verges Creek Nature Reserve statement of management intent- 
cuttaburra-national-park-statement-of-management-intent-250026.pdf.jpg2025Cuttaburra National Park statement of management intent- 
currys-gap-mount-mackenzie-doctors-nose-mountain-draft-amendment-plan-management-250023.pdf.jpg2025Draft amendment to the Currys Gap State Conservation Area, Mount Mackenzie Nature Reserve and Doctors Nose Mountain Nature Reserve plan of managementNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
kosciuszko-offset-action-plan-kiandra-leek-orchid-250015.pdf.jpg2025Kosciuszko offset action plan – Kiandra leek orchidNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
kosciuszko-offset-action-plan-leafy-anchor-plant-250017.pdf.jpg2025Kosciuszko offset action plan - leafy anchor plantNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
kosciuszko-offset-action-plan-mauve-burr-daisy-250016.pdf.jpg2025Kosciuszko offset action plan – mauve burr-daisyNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
glenrock-state-conservation-area-plan-of-management-240123.pdf.jpg2025Glenrock State Conservation Area: Plan of managementNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
Removal for domestication rehoming feral-horse-control-removal-standard-operating-procedure-240345.pdf.jpg2024Removal for domestication (rehoming) Feral horse control standard operating procedureNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
Domestication rehoming guidelines for feral horses removal 240344.pdf.jpg2024Domestication (rehoming) guidelines for feral horses removed from NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service managed estateNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
Barrington Tops National Park and Barrington Tops State Conservation Area Feral Horse Capture and Rehoming Program – Statement of program intent240346.pdf.jpg2024Barrington Tops National Park and Barrington Tops State Conservation Area Feral Horse Capture and Rehoming Program – Statement of program intentNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
gardens-of-stone-state-conservation-area-vehicle-access-strategy-240328.pdf.jpg2024Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area: Vehicle access strategyNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
kosciuszko-offset-project-annual-report-2022-23.pdf.jpg2024Kosciuszko Offset Project Annual report 2022–23National Parks and Wildlife Service 
kosciuszko-national-park-wild-horse-capture-rehoming-program-statement-intent-240323.pdf.jpg2024Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Capture and Rehoming Program – Statement of program intentNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
kosciuszko-national-park-wild-horse-domestication-guidelines-240324.pdf.jpg2024Domestication (rehoming) guidelines: for wild horses removed from Kosciuszko National ParkNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
kosciuszko-national-park-wild-horse-control-standard-operating-procedure-240325.pdf.jpg2024Wild horse control standard operating procedure: Removal for domestication (rehoming)National Parks and Wildlife Service 
parks-eco-pass-operator-handbook-240309.pdf.jpg2024NSW Parks Eco Pass HandbookNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
macleay-coast-destination-master-plan-240203.pdf.jpg2024Arakoon and Hat Head National Parks: Macleay Coast Destination master planNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 4237