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Title: National Parks and Wildlife Service Annual Report 1985-86
Authors: National Parks and Wildlife Service
Keywords: Scanned Files;Annual report;Parks reserves and protected areas;Park management
Issue Date: 1986
Series/Report no.: National Parks and Wildlife Service annual reports
Abstract: During the 1988-89 fiscal year, the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) achieved significant expansion and conservation milestones. This report documents the establishment of five new nature reserves, multiple national park extensions including the doubling of Mungo National Park and the creation of Budderoo National Park. A major development was the commitment to the first stage of Oxley Wild Rivers National Park, ensuring the preservation of the Apsley Gorge wilderness. The Service implemented a strategic "parks to the people" initiative, adding 30,000 hectares to the Blue Mountains National Park with enhanced tourist infrastructure. Conservation achievements included the protection of Christmas Bell Plain, assessment for World Heritage listing of rainforest areas, implementation of comprehensive littoral rainforest protection measures, and the introduction of new wetland conservation policies through State Environmental Planning Policy. The Byron Coast conservation package, centred around the new 750-hectare Tyagarah Nature Reserve, secured protection for 42% of the Byron Shire coastline. This report details these accomplishments while acknowledging forthcoming challenges, including proposed wilderness protection legislation.
ISSN: 0158-0965
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present]

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