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Title: Kultarr (Antechinomys laniger) Draft Recovery Plan
Authors: Mosher, Robyn.
Cameron, Matt.
National Parks and Wildlife Service
Keywords: Endangered species;Rodents;Marsupials;Sminthopsis
Issue Date: 2001
Description: At head of title: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Recovery Planning Program.
"Draft for Public Comment August 2001"--Cover.
"This plan was prepared by Robyn Mosher (NPWS-Western). Matt Cameron (NPWS-Western) edited the plan and contributed to the development of the recovery actions. Some of the information used in this Recovery Plan was collated by Anne Kerle. Additional information that was useful in the preparation of this Recovery Plan was obtained from Chris Dickman and Pip Masters."--Back of t. p.
Internal ID Number: 26457
ISBN: 0731362934
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967 - present]

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