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Title: Eurow Copper Prospect Eugowra NSW Report on Specimens From Eurow Copper Prospect Eugowra
Other Titles: Report on Specimens from Eurow Copper Prospect, Eugowra
Geological Survey Report No 56 Eurow Copper Prospect Eugowra NSW Report on Specimens From Eurow Copper Prospect Eugowra 1965
Authors: Kennedy, D R Pinkstone, D R
Geological Survey of NSW
Keywords: Geology, Economic - New South Wales - Eugowra
Issue Date: 1965
Abstract: The Eurow lode is a copper bearing body striking 330 degrees (magnetic) and dipping 70 degrees southwest through an inlier of hornfels and schist in sheared granite. A rich, oxidized zone extended to 100 feet, after which the primary zone, containing pyrite with lesser copper and zinc sulphides, occurs. The lode, which is localized near a hornfels - schist contact, varies considerably in width, but averages 2 feet. Mineralization has been proved to a depth of 150 feet and to a length of approximately 800 feet by mining operations in the early part of this century. A diamond drilling programme is recommended to test two magnetic anomalies, one associated with known sulphide mineralization, the other in an unworked area
Description: Geological survey report ; no. 56
Plan number C 568 accompanies this report.
Appears in Collections:Geological Survey of NSW [1874 -present]

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