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Title: Surface soil carbon is higher under minimum tillage in major cropping soils of NSW North-West Slopes and Plains region
Other Titles: Northern NSW research results 2013
Authors: McLeod, M K
Schwenke, G D
Harden, S
Cowie, A
Keywords: chromosol, conventional tillage, minimum tillage, northern, sample collection, soil carbon, soil core, survey, total organic carbon, vertosol
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Department of Primary Industries
Abstract: Key findings • Total organic carbon in the surface 10 cm was 19–28% greater under minimum tillage than conventional tillage across 122 Chromosol and Vertosol sites. • The influence of rainfall, temperature, bulk density, texture, and management history on soil C stocks needs to be considered when assessing C sequestration potential of cropping soils.
ISSN: 2208-8199
Appears in Collections:DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present]

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