DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present] : [736] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 736
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
SRR24_Baxter_septoria+.pdf.jpg2024Septoria tritici blotch – risk and management considerations for 2024Baxter, Brad; Ovenden, Ben; Simpfendorfer, Steven; Milgate, Andrew; DPI Agriculture 
SRR24_Broadfoot_seasonal_conditions_2023+.pdf.jpg2024Seasonal conditions 2023Broadfoot, Kim; Wurtzel, Jennifer; Barary, Mehrshad; Carmichael, Andrew; Troldahl, David; Napier, Tony; Diversi, Rachel; Milgate, Andrew; Baxter, Brad; Lindbeck, Kurt; DPI Agriculture 
SRR24_Graham_agronomic_manipulation_spring_wheat+.pdf.jpg2024In-season agronomic manipulation of early sown spring wheat; to delay flowering and reduce frost effects – Wagga Wagga 2023Graham, Rick; Malone, Melissa; Bathgate, Jordan; DPI Agriculture 
SRR24_Napier_long_coleoptile_durum+.pdf.jpg2024Long coleoptile durum wheat experiment – Riverina 2023Napier, Tony; Johnston, Daniel; Clifton, Mitch; Simpfendorfer, Steven 
SRR24_Richards_faba bean_phenology_yield+.pdf.jpg2024Faba bean phenology and yield responses to environment and management practices – Wagga Wagga and Rankins Springs 2023Richards, Mark; Graham, Neroli 
SRR24_Richards_lupin_phenology_yield+.pdf.jpg2024Lupin phenology and yield responses to environment and management practices – Wagga Wagga and Rankins Springs 2023Richards, Mark; Graham, Neroli 
SRR24_Richards_pulse_varieties_Methul+.pdf.jpg2024Pulse variety experiments – faba bean, lentil, lupin, field pea, and chickpea – Methul 2023Richards, Mark; Graham, Neroli 
SRR24_Richards_pulse_varieties_Rankins Springs+.pdf.jpg2024Pulse variety experiments – faba bean, lentil, lupin, chickpea, field pea and vetch – Rankins Springs 2023Richards, Mark; Graham, Neroli 
SRR24_Richards_pulse_varieties_Wagga Wagga+.pdf.jpg2024Pulse variety experiments – faba bean, lentil, lupin, field pea, chickpea and vetch – Wagga Wagga 2023Richards, Mark; Graham, Neroli 
SRR24_Uddin_residual_P_central west NSW+.pdf.jpg2024The residual effect of dual phosphorus placement was evident on canola yield but not wheat in Central West NSWUddin, Shihab; Maccallum, Richard; Reardon, Daryl 
SRR24_Uddin_residual_P_southern NSW+.pdf.jpg2024The residual effect of dual phosphorus placement on grain yield in southern NSWUddin, Shihab; Pumpa, Russell; Fiske, Kelly 
NRR2012-42 Manning faba rust.pdf.jpg2012Timing of fungicide sprays for rust management in faba beanManning, Bill; van Leur, Joop; Riley, Merv 
NRR2012-41 Simpfendorfer wheat stripe rust fungicide.pdf.jpg2012Fungicide management of stripe rust in wheat: up-front vs in-crop options in 2011Simpfendorfer, Steven; Taylor, Zeb 
NRR2012-40 Simpfendorfer pathogen survey.pdf.jpg2012Cereal pathogen survey of central and northern NSW – 2011Simpfendorfer, Steven; Alston, Amy; McKay, Alan; Poole, Grant 
NRR2012-39 Simpfendorfer SD variety nematode.pdf.jpg2012Impact of sowing time and varietal tolerance on yield loss to the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus thorneiSimpfendorfer, Steven; Gardner, Matt; McMullen, Guy 
NRR2012-38 Simpfendorfer wheat stripe rust.pdf.jpg2012Why is my ‘Sunvale[PBR]’ crop full of stripe rust?Simpfendorfer, Steven; Martin, Anke; Sutherland, Mark 
NRR2012-37 Simpfendorfer wheat spray NVT.pdf.jpg2012Sprayed vs unsprayed wheat national variety trials in 2010 – what did we learn?Simpfendorfer, Steven; Matthews, Peter 
NRR2012-36 Moore chickpea ascochyta Tamwortht.pdf.jpg2012Ascochyta management in current and new chickpea varieties – Tamworth VMP11 trialMoore, Kevin; Nash, Paul; Chiplin, Gail 
NRR2012-35 Moore chickpea seed treatment.pdf.jpg2013Chickpea seed treatment improves crop establishment and increases yields – 2011 trials using seed from 2010 cropsMoore, Kevin; Daniel, Richard; Harden, Steve; Mitchell, Anthony; Herron, Rachel; Nash, Paul; Chiplin, Gail 
NRR2012-34 Moore chickpea seed test.pdf.jpg2012Chickpea seed tests from 2010 harvest explain establishment problems in 2011 cropsMoore, Kevin; Chiplin, Gail; Nash, Paul 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 736