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Title: Pre-sow assessment of crown rot risk in the northern region
Other Titles: Northern NSW research results 2014
Authors: Simpfendorfer, Steven
McKay, Alan
Keywords: 2010, 2012, central, cereals, crown rot, fusarium, northern, Predicta-B, sample collection, survey, winter
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Department of Primary Industries
Abstract: Key findings • PreDicta B is a good technique for identifying the level of risk for crown rot (and other soil-borne pathogens) prior to sowing within paddocks. However, this requires a dedicated sampling strategy and IS NOT a simple add on to a soil nutrition test. • Soil cores should be targeted at the previous winter cereal row if evident and DO NOT remove any stubble fragments. • Short pieces of stubble (up to 15) from previous winter cereal crops and/or grass weed residues can be added to the soil sample to enhance detection of the Fusarium spp. that cause crown rot. • If you are not willing to follow the recommended PreDicta B sampling strategies then DO NOT assess disease risk levels prior to sowing.
ISSN: 2208-8199
Appears in Collections:DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present]

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