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Title: Planet Gold Ltd Pacific Island Mines Ltd EL 164 Buller
Other Titles: Planet Gold Ltd Pacific Island Mines Ltd EL 164 Buller NSW Quarterly Report to 27th February 1970
Authors: Bureau of Mineral Resources
Geological Survey of NSW
Keywords: Report (NSW Geological Survey) ; no. 1970/322;Rivertree NSW
Issue Date: 1970
Publisher: Planet Gold Ltd
Abstract: E.L. 1611. embraces 11.05 square miles of country in the upper catchment of the Clarence River. The area consists mostly of rugged forest ranges with some alluvial flats and contains no townships or supply points. The nearest townships are Tenterfield 17 miles from the south western corner, Tabulam 7 miles from the south eastern corner and Stanthorpe 12 miles from the north eastern corner. Minor supplies are available from Liston to the north east of the area and Drake to the south of the area. The area in not well-served by formed roads, but numerous timber tracks affording passage for 11. wheel drive vehicles are present and provide a reasonable coverage. Mobility in often hampered by tree falls and fences.
Description: Silver Lead Zinc
Internal ID Number: GS 1970/322
Appears in Collections:Geological Survey of NSW [1874 -present]

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