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Title: Orchard plant protection guide for deciduous fruits in NSW 2024–25
Other Titles: Orchard plant protection guide for deciduous fruits in NSW
Authors: Jessica Fearnley
Kevin Dodds
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Keywords: Deciduous fruit industry;Orchards - Diseases and pests - Control - New South Wales;Biosecurity Food safety
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Citation: Dodds K and Fearnley J (2024) Orchard plant protection guide for deciduous fruits in NSW. NSW Department of Primary Industries, Orange, information-for-multiple-crops/orchard-plant-protection-guide
Internal ID Number: 17063
ISSN: 2200-7539 (Online)
2200-7520 (Print)
Appears in Collections:Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development [2024- ]

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