Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development [2024- ] : [10] Collection home page

The Department of Regional NSW was renamed as the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development on 1 July 2024.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Weed control in winter crops 2025.pdf.jpg2025Weed control in winter crops 2025Penny Heuston, Penny Heuston 
Berry plant protection guide 2025-web.pdf.jpg2025Berry plant protection guide 2025–26Gaius Leong; Melinda Simpson; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Regional Plant Biosecurity Status Report_North West Local Land Services Region_2024.pdf.jpg2024Regional Plant Biosecurity Status Report North West Local Land Services Region (2024)Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development; Department of Regional NSW 
Macadamia-plant-protection-guide-2024.pdf.jpg2024Macadamia plant protection guide 2024-25Bright, Jeremy; Department of Regional NSW; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Grapevine-management-guide-2024-25.pdf.jpg2024Grapevine management guide 2024-25Flannery, Penny; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development; DPI Agriculture 
Weed-control-in-winter-crops-2024.pdf.jpg2024Weed control in winter cropsHeuston, Penny; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Biosecurity awareness and emergency animal disease preparedness in NSW high schools_Executive summary of the final report.pdf.jpg2024Biosecurity awareness and emergency animal disease preparedness in NSW high schools : summary of the final reportSchembri, N; Brockelsby, A, L; Wilkinson, L; Carr-Boyd, A; Doyle, E; Faster Horses Consulting Pty Ltd.; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
PUB24-832-Final-report-Biosecurity-awareness-and-EAD-preparedness-in-NSW-high-schools_Sept-2024.pdf.jpg2024Biosecurity awareness and emergency animal disease preparedness in NSW high schoolsFaster Horses project team; Schembri, N; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Orchard-plant-protection-guide-2024.pdf.jpg2024Orchard plant protection guide for deciduous fruits in NSW 2024–25Jessica Fearnley; Kevin Dodds; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Weed-control-in-winter-crops-2025.pdf.jpg2025Weed control in winter crops 2025Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10