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Title: Optimising sorghum production, Moree 2020–2021
Other Titles: Northern NSW research results 2021
Authors: Hellyer, Mark
Serafin, Loretta
Murphy, Paul
Ramsden, Delphi
DPI Agriculture
Keywords: 2020, 2021, dry matter, dryland, establishment, flowering, grain protein, grain quality, grain yield, harvest index, head numbers, hybrids, Moree, plant date, screenings, sorghum, target plant population, tillers
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Department of Primary Industries
Abstract: Key findings • Establishing sorghum at soil temperatures cooler than the commercial standard, and recommended 16–18 °C, is a viable option to move flowering and grain fill periods earlier. • Targeting soil temperatures of greater than 12°C for the seven days after planting, and planting into good seedbed moisture are critical for even establishment. • The earliest planting date (PD), PD1, moved the flowering window forward by three weeks compared with planting at the recommended soil temperature (PD3). • PD1 and PD2 moved the harvest period earlier by two weeks. • PD2 provided the optimum combination of a rapid, even establishment, earlier flowering and earlier harvest at this site. Grain yields were reduced by an unseasonable heat wave at the end of November. • Planting date affected grain yields, reducing as planting was delayed. • Grain test weight levels responded to varying plant populations. Lower plant populations produced higher test weights and lower screenings %.
ISSN: 2208-8199
Appears in Collections:DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present]

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