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Title: Cargelligo sheet SI/55-6 Australian Nation Grid 1 250000 Geological Series Explanatory Notes Cargelligo Sheet SI-55-6 Australian Nation Grid
Other Titles: 1 250000 Geological Series 1 250000 Geological Series Explanatory Notes Cargelligo Sheet SI-55-6 Australian Nation Grid
Authors: Department of Mines
Geological Survey of NSW
Keywords: Explanatory Notes Cargelligo;Cargelligo Sheet SI-55-6
Issue Date: 1967
Series/Report no.: Explanatory Notes
Abstract: The area covered by the Cargelligo sheet consists of approximately 6,000 square miles m the central portion of New South Wales and is bounded by longitudes 145° 30' E. and 147° 00' E., and latitudes 33° 00' S. and 34° 00' S. The area is wholly pastoral although, recently, renewed interest has been shown in some of the mining fields. The main towns in the area are Lake Cargelligo, Ungarie, Rankins Springs, Weethalle and Hillston. The Cargelligo 1:250,000 sheet lies within a semi-arid climate with a large diurnal temperature range. The highest temperature recorded in the area is 117-0° F at Lake Cargelligo and the lowest 21 -7° F at Hillston. The average annual rainfall is about fifteen inches with most occurring in winter
Description: 2nd Ed
Appears in Collections:Geological Survey of NSW [1874 -present]

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