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Title: River Red Gum Ecological Thinning Trial Monitoring Report 2020
Authors: National Parks and Wildlife Service
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Keywords: River red gum;Monitoring report;Thinning;Ecological thinning;Ecological surveys;Eucalyptus camaldulensis;Forest thinning;Environmental monitoring;Parks reserves and protected areas;Park management;Environmental reporting
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: National Parks and Wildlife Service annual monitoring reports
Abstract: This report presents results from the third year of post-thinning monitoring of an ecological thinning trial in River Red Gum forests within Murray Valley National Park, NSW. The trial aims to evaluate whether ecological thinning can improve biodiversity, canopy condition and forest resilience across stands with varying stem densities and water availability. Key findings from 2019-20 monitoring showed that thinned plots had faster tree growth rates (by 0.7-2.8 mm per year) but higher tree mortality compared to control plots. Canopy condition improved in thinned plots on drier sites, with 10-15% fewer trees showing recent crown decline. While moderately thinned plots supported higher bird species richness and bat activity, no significant effects were detected on overall fuel hazard, native plant species richness, or threatened species occurrence. The magnitude of canopy cover decline was less in thinned plots compared to controls during drought conditions. These preliminary results suggest ecological thinning may provide some benefits for forest health and habitat values, particularly on drier sites, though longer-term monitoring through to 2022 will be needed to fully evaluate treatment effectiveness. The trial's findings will inform future conservation management of River Red Gum forests in NSW.
Internal ID Number: /mnt/conversions/nswdpe/pdfimport//National Parks and Wildlife Service/River red gum/river-red-gum-ecological-thinning-trial-monitoring-report-2020-200267.pdf
EES 2020/0267
ISBN: 9781922431400
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present]

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