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Title: Annual Compliance Report 2020: Ecological Thinning Trial in New South Wales River Red Gum Forests
Authors: National Parks and Wildlife Service
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Keywords: River red gum;Annual compliance report;Thinning
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: National Parks and Wildlife Service
Series/Report no.: National Parks and Wildlife Service annual compliance reports
Abstract: This report documents compliance activities and outcomes for the Ecological Thinning Trial conducted in River Red Gum forests within New South Wales national parks during the period of June 2019 to June 2020. The trial, approved under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC 2013/6713), aimed to assess ecological thinning interventions while minimizing impacts on threatened species, communities, and wetlands of international importance. Following the completion of thinning operations in August 2017, the project entered its post-thinning monitoring phase. The report evaluates compliance across eleven conditions, including species protection measures, incident reporting requirements, and documentation protocols. All conditions were met during the reporting period, with no adverse impacts recorded on protected species or habitats. Post-thinning monitoring continued according to the approved Experimental Design and Monitoring Plan, with results maintained and published as per regulatory requirements. This compliance report represents the ongoing commitment to environmental protection and transparent documentation of conservation management practices in NSW protected areas.
Internal ID Number: /mnt/conversions/nswdpe/pdfimport//National Parks and Wildlife Service/River red gum/ecological-thinning-trial-river-red-gum-annual-compliance-report-2020-200261.pdf
EES 2020/0261
ISSN: 2652-6522
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present]

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