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Title: Macquarie Marshes Ramsar site: Article 3.2 response strategy
Authors: National Parks and Wildlife Service
Keywords: Water
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: National Parks and Wildlife Service
Abstract: A notification of likely change in ecological character of the Macquarie Marshes Ramsar site was submitted to the Ramsar Secretary General on 17 July 2009 under Article 3.2 of the Ramsar Convention. This change can best be described as a 'likely change' from a semi-permanent wetland system to an ephemeral wetland system in parts of the Ramsar site.
Internal ID Number: {09281DC9-AF1F-448E-8877-4AF4EDBB525B}
ISBN: 978-1-74359-008-9
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present]

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