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Title: Flooding at the Australian Golf Club
Kogarah Golf Club irrigation water supply
Other Titles: Report No 22 Flooding at the Australian Golf Club Kogarah Golf Club Irrigation Water Supply 1964
Authors: R. J. Griffin.
Geological Survey of NSW
Department of Mines
Keywords: Kogarah Golf Club;Australian Golf Club;Golf courses irrigation;Botany Basin
Issue Date: 1964
Series/Report no.: Geological Survey report No. 22
Abstract: Due to heavy rains in 1963 the water table at The Australian Golf Club rose above the surface and flooded a large area of the course. As complete draining or filling would be long and costly, it has been recommended that the course layout be modified and shallow areas be filled so that a series of small lakes is created.
Appears in Collections:Geological Survey of NSW [1874 -present]

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