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Title: Nocoleche Nature Reserve Plan of Management
Authors: National Parks and Wildlife Service
Keywords: Parks reserves and protected areas
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: National Parks and Wildlife Service
Abstract: Nocoleche Nature Reserve is 20 kilometres south of Wanaaring in north-western NSW. The reserve is 74,728 hectares and straddles the Paroo River, including the floodplains and channels of the Paroo River and Cuttaburra and Kulkyne Creeks. The reserve's land systems include sandplains, dissected low stony tablelands and river and channel country.
Internal ID Number: {464AAEB1-6A4F-4EAE-87FC-4590A25FA376}
ISBN: 0-73136-1016
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present]

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