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Title: The Toolebuc formation in the Eromanga Basin of New South Wales
Cliff erosion rates in the South Sydney region, Central New South Wales coast
Other Titles: Quarterly Notes 50 Geological Survey of New South Wales 1st January 1983
Quarterly Notes 50
Authors: Department of Mineral Resources
Geological Survey of NSW
Keywords: marine sand;oil shale deposits
Issue Date: 1983
Series/Report no.: Quarterly Notes
Abstract: Sediments similar in age to the Toolebuc Formation of Queensland have been Identified In northern New South Wales. There Is as yet no Indication that they are associated with oil shale deposits. The gamma ray anomalies recognized earlier In northern New South Wales water bores are associated with a unit which Is older than and different in lithology from the Toolebuc Formation.
ISSN: 0155-3410
Appears in Collections:Geological Survey of NSW [1874 -present]

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