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Title: Field assessment guidelines for Monaro and Werriwa Cool Temperate Grassy Woodland critically endangered ecological communities
Authors: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Environment, Energy and Science
Keywords: Animals and plants
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Abstract: This document outlines the guidelines for assessing the viability of the Monaro and Werriwa critically endangered ecological communities and should be used in conjunction with an advisory layer indicating the potential extent of the two ecological communities and the Monaro and Werriwa CTGW Assessment Spreadsheet Tool.
Internal ID Number: {5608A5F5-042F-470C-8B7D-ED3CF32E7319}
ISBN: 978-1-92231-806-0
Appears in Collections:Department of Planning, Industry and Environment [2019 - 2021]

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