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Title: First Nations Guidelines : Increasing income and employment opportunities from electricity infrastructure projects
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Office of Energy and Climate Change
Abstract: The delivery of the Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to embed Aboriginal outcomes in new energy infrastructure developments. We want decisions in building new energy infrastructure throughout regional NSW to benefit and drive success in Aboriginal-owned organisations and businesses; to build capacity for people and businesses and to create better outcomes for Aboriginal people right across NSW. The First Nations Guidelines – Increasing income and employment opportunities from electricity infrastructure projects are a collaborative effort between the NSW Government and Aboriginal communities to ensure Aboriginal participation is included in project design and implementation. Region-specific guidelines will also be co-designed to ensure local Aboriginal people and communities have greater say in how they wish to be engaged, and the outcomes that are a priority for the area. These guidelines will embed participation opportunities and outcomes for Aboriginal communities in the delivery of new energy infrastructure developments.
Internal ID Number: EES 2022/0218
ISBN: 978-1-922767-07-3
Appears in Collections:Office of Energy and Climate Change [2022-2024]

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