Office of Energy and Climate Change [2022-2024] : [13] Collection home page

The Office of Energy and Climate Change was established in the Treasury cluster from 1 April 2022. Staff were moved to Treasury from the Department of Planning and Environment. From 1 January 2024 the Office of Energy and Climate Changes ceased when it became part of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
electricity-infrastructure-jobs-advocates-first-report-to-minister-for-energy-for-publication.pdf.jpg2022Electricity Infrastructure Jobs Advocate's first report to the Minister for Energy.NSW Electricity Infrastructure Jobs Advocate; Office of Energy and Climate Change, NSW Treasury; Office of Energy and Climate Change 
NSW-Electricity-Infrastructure-Jobs-Advocate-Second-Report.pdf.jpg2023Electricity Infrastructure Jobs Advocate’s second report to the Minister for EnergyNSW Electricity Infrastructure Jobs Advocate; Office of Energy and Climate Change, NSW Treasury; Office of Energy and Climate Change 
NSW202312-Climate-Change-Fund-2022-23-annual-report.pdf.jpg2023NSW Climate Change Fund Annual Report 2022-23Office of Energy and Climate Change, NSW Treasury; Office of Energy and Climate Change, NSW Treasury 
NSW_Central-West_Orana_First_Nations_Guidelines_Oct_2023.pdf.jpg2023First Nations Guidelines : Increasing Central-West Orana income and employment opportunities from electricity infrastructure projects.Office of Energy and Climate Change 
first-nations-guidelines-increasing-income-and-employment-opportunities-from-electricity-infrastructure-projects.pdf.jpg2022First Nations Guidelines : Increasing income and employment opportunities from electricity infrastructure projects- 
GOVP1847_DPIE_NSW_ELECTRIC_FLEET_INCENTIVE_GUIDELINES_ACCESSIBLE.pdf.jpg2022Drive electric NSW EV fleets incentive : guidelines - round 2Office of Energy and Climate Change 
PDRS-consultation-paper.pdf.jpg2022Peak Demand Reduction Scheme : Consultation paper for Rule 1Office of Energy and Climate Change 
Scope of the NSW state-wide net zero by 2050 target.pdf.jpg1979Scope of the NSW State-Wide Net Zero by 2050 TargetOffice of Energy and Climate Change 
Submetering-Grants-Guide.pdf.jpg2022Submetering grants - Funding guidelines Round 1Office of Energy and Climate Change 
Peak Demand Reduction Scheme_PositionPaper_Rule1.pdf.jpg2022Peak Demand Reduction Scheme Rule 1 Position Paper.Office of Energy and Climate Change 
Energy Savings Scheme-2022-Rule-Change-Consultation-Paper.pdf.jpg2022Energy Savings Scheme 2022 Rule Change Consultation PaperOffice of Energy and Climate Change 
ESS-refrigerated-cabinets-position-paper-2022.pdf.jpg2022Energy Savings Scheme refrigerated cabinets position paperOffice of Energy and Climate Change 
Scope of the NSW state-wide net zero by 2050 target.pdf.jpg2023Scope of the NSW state-wide net zero by 2050 targetOffice of Energy and Climate Change 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13