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Title: Approved NSW and National Recovery Plan : Davidsonia Johnsonii Smooth Davidsonia December 2004
Authors: National Parks & Wildlife Service
Department of Environment and Conservation
Keywords: Scanned Files;Recovery plan;Threatened species;Biodiversity conservation;Parks reserves and protected areas;Park management;Plant conservation;Endangered species;Endangered plants;Davidsonia johnsonii (Smooth Davidsonia)
Issue Date: 2004
Series/Report no.: National Parks and Wildlife Service recovery plans
Abstract: This document constitutes the formal NSW State and National Recovery Plan for Davidsonia johnsonii (Smooth Davidsonia) and, as such, considers the conservation requirements of the species across its known range. It identifies the actions to be taken to ensure the long-term viability of this species in nature and the parties who will undertake these actions. This plan details the species' distribution and biology, conservation status, threats, and recovery objectives and actions necessary to ensure its long-term survival.
ISBN: 1741221587
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present]

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