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Title: Goolawah National Park, Goolawah Regional Park and Limeburners Creek National Park Planning Considerations
Authors: National Parks and Wildlife Service
Keywords: Goolawah Regional Park;Limeburners Creek National Park;Plan of Management
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Series/Report no.: ;2024/0088
Abstract: This planning considerations report outlines the matters considered in preparing the Goolawah National Park, Goolawah Regional Park and Limeburners Creek National Park Plan of Management, including the park’s key values, management principles and management considerations. The planning considerations report should be read in conjunction with the Goolawah National Park, Goolawah Regional Park and Limeburners Creek National Park plan of management (2024).
ISBN: 978-1-923200-81-4
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present]

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