National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present] : [4184] Collection home page

The National Parks and Wildlife Service was established by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1967 (Act No.35, 1967), but in fact had been formed administratively during the preceding months by the amalgamation of officers formerly attached to the Fauna Protection Panel, and the Parks and Reserve Branch of the Department of Lands,and functioned as a Branch of that Department. On 1 October 1967 the Service assumed an independent existence, with the Director of National Parks and Wildlife directly responsible to the Minister. For a detailed history of the NPWS, see the State of New South Wales Museums of History NSW website:

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 4184
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
TglandulosaEia0500.pdf.jpg2000Tetratheca glandulosa - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
EECinfoSydneyTurpentineIronbarkForest.pdf.jpg2004Sydney turpentine ironbark forest - endangered ecological community informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
flowAlterationFactsheet.pdf.jpg2001Alteration to natural flows as a key threatening process – an overview - Threatened species informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
EECinfoShaleSandstoneTransitionForest.pdf.jpg2004Shale sandstone transition forest - Endangered ecological community informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
EECinfoShaleGravelTransitionForest.pdf.jpg2004Shale-Gravel Transition - Endangered ecological community informationForestNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
PpedunculataEia0502.pdf.jpg2002Pultenaea pedunculata - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
PparvifloraEia0502.pdf.jpg2002Pultenaea parviflora - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
PgibbosaEia1202.pdf.jpg2002Pterostylis gibbosa - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
RedcrownedtoadletEia0501.pdf.jpg2001Red-crowned Toadlet - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelineNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
tsprofileSilkyMouse.pdf.jpg1999Silky mouse - Threatened species informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
PstrictaEia0500.pdf.jpg2000Prostanthera stricta - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
PjunonisEia1200.pdf.jpg2000Prostanthera junonis - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
PdiscolorEia0500.pdf.jpg2000Prostanthera discolor - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
PcryptandroidesEia0500.pdf.jpg2000Prostanthera cryptandroides - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
ProstantheraAskaniaEIAGuidelinesJul04.pdf.jpg2004Prostanthera askania - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
tsprofilePrasophyllumUroglossum.pdf.jpg1999Prasophyllum uroglossum - Threatened species informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
recoveryplanDraftPrasophyllumPetilum.pdf.jpg2003Recovery Plan for the Tarengo Leek Orchid (Prasophyllum petilum) - Draft NSW & National Recovery PlanNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
PimeleaSpicata0805EIA.pdf.jpg2004Pimelea spicata - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
tsprofileFlockBronzewing.pdf.jpg1999Flock bronzewing - Threatened species informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
tsprofileYellowfootedRockwallaby.pdf.jpg1999Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby - Threatened species informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 4184