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Results 18311-18320 of 18845 (Search time: 0.42 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
SRR24_Richards_pulse_varieties_Methul+.pdf.jpg2024Pulse variety experiments – faba bean, lentil, lupin, field pea, and chickpea – Methul 2023Richards, Mark; Graham, Neroli
SRR24_Uddin_residual_P_central west NSW+.pdf.jpg2024The residual effect of dual phosphorus placement was evident on canola yield but not wheat in Central West NSWUddin, Shihab; Maccallum, Richard; Reardon, Daryl
The vegetation and plant species of Torrington State Recreation area.pdf.jpg1998The vegetation and plant species of Torrington State Recreation AreaClarke, P. J; Copeland, Lachlan M; Hunter, John T; Nano, Cathy E; Williams, John B; Wills, Karen E; National Parks and Wildlife Service
Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Smithfield Site Expansion for Pratt Industries and the Smithfield Power Partnership.pdf.jpg1994Environmental impact statement -- proposed Smithfield site expansion for Pratt Industries and the Smithfield Power PartnershipPratt Industries; Dames and Moore; Smithfield Power Partnership
Strategy for Mining Development in the Central West of New South Wales September 1998.pdf.jpg1998Strategy for mining development in the Central West of New South WalesDepartment of Mineral Resources; Dames and Moore
Catchment-derived stressors and School Prawn productivity.pdf.jpg2019Catchment-derived stressors and school prawn productivityDepartment of Primary Industries; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
New Technologies to Improve Sydney Rock Oyster Breeding and Production.pdf.jpg2020New technologies to improve Sydney Rock Oyster breeding and productionFisheries Research and Development Corporation; Department of Primary Industries
bongil-bongil-national-park-plan-of-management-240297.pdf.jpg2024Bongil Bongil National Park plan of managementNational Parks and Wildlife Service
Peak_Demand_Reduction_Scheme_Consultation_Paper_Rule_Change_2.pdf.jpg2023Peak Demand Reduction Scheme Rule change 2 consultation paperEnergy Security Safeguard; Office of Energy and Climate Change
Peak Demand Reduction Scheme Position Paper – Rule update – December 2024.pdf.jpg2024Peak Demand Reduction Scheme rule update December 2024Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.