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Title: Strategy for mining development in the Central West of New South Wales
Authors: Department of Mineral Resources
Dames & Moore
Keywords: Mines and mineral resources - New South Wales - Central Western Region;Mining development
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: Dames & Moore
Description: "Prepared for the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy, NSW Department of State and Regional Development and the mining companies Alkane Exploration NL, Girilambone Copper Company, Hargraves Resources, Newcrest Mining Ltd, North Ltd, Pasminco Elura and Rio Tinto." "This study is the NSW component of the Regional Minerals Program initiative of the Federal Government, in collaboration with the State Government and the mining industry."--p. II.
Internal ID Number: 93702
Appears in Collections:Department of Mineral Resources [II] [1991-2004]

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