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dc.description.abstractThis document constitutes the formal NSW State and National Recovery Plan for the Small-leaved Tamarind. It identifies the actions to be taken to ensure the long-term viability of the species in nature and the parties who will undertake these actions. This plan has been prepared by the Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW) (DEC) in consultation with the Gold Coast City Council (GCCC), the Queensland Environment Protection Agency (EPA) /Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS), and relevant local government authorities.en
dc.formatRecovery planen
dc.source/mnt/conversions/nswdpe/20220727_1_DPIE 4 Parramatta Square (128 boxes)//Scanned Files/Box 74/Approved NSW and National Recovery Plan Diploglottis Campbellii Small-leaved Tamarind December 2004.pdfen
dc.subjectScanned Filesen
dc.subjectThreatened speciesen
dc.subjectRecovery planen
dc.subjectParks reserves and protected areasen
dc.subjectBiodiversity conservationen
dc.subjectPlant conservationen
dc.subjectPark managementen
dc.subjectEndangered plantsen
dc.subjectEndangered speciesen
dc.subjectDiploglottis Campbellii (Small-leaved Tamarind)en
dc.subject.lcshBiodiversity conservationen
dc.titleApproved NSW and National Recovery Plan Diploglottis Campbellii Small-leaved Tamarind December 2004en
dc.contributor.corpauthorNational Parks & Wildlife Serviceen
dc.contributor.corpauthorDepartment of Environment and Conservationen
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present]

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