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Title: Department of Environment Climate Change and Water NSW Annual Report 2009-10
Authors: Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water
National Parks and Wildlife Service
Environment Protection Authority
NSW Environmental Trust
Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust
Keywords: Scanned Files;Annual report
Issue Date: 2010
Series/Report no.: Department of Environment Climate Change and Water NSW Annual Report
National Parks and Wildlife Service annual reports
Environment Protection Authority annual reports
NSW Environmental Trust annual reports
Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust annual reports
Abstract: This annual report documents the first year of operations (2009-10) of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) NSW following its formation through administrative orders effective July 1, 2009. The report outlines DECCW's expanded role incorporating the former Department of Environment and Climate Change with water management responsibilities from the former Department of Water and Energy. Key achievements included implementing climate change adaptation measures through the NSW Climate Impact Profile and Sea Level Rise Policy Statement; delivering environmental water to stressed inland rivers and wetlands; establishing new conservation reserves including river red gum forests; expanding Aboriginal joint management arrangements; and progressing water sharing plans across NSW. The report details DECCW's performance against State Plan targets across five strategic goals: minimizing climate change impacts, protecting environmental and human health, integrated landscape management, sustainable water supplies, and organizational effectiveness. Financial statements show DECCW managed a total operating budget of approximately $1.4 billion. The report demonstrates DECCW's central role in environmental protection, conservation, water management and Aboriginal cultural heritage in NSW while highlighting ongoing challenges in areas such as climate change adaptation, water security, and biodiversity conservation.
ISSN: 1838-5958
Appears in Collections:Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water [2009 -2011]

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