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Title: South East Catchment blueprint : an integrated catchment management plan for the South East catchment 2002.
Authors: New South Wales.
South East Catchment Management Board
Keywords: Watershed management;Water quality management;Conservation of natural resources
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation,
Description: "Catchment blueprints are 'whole of government' plans which have been developed through a community/government partnership. ... Their influence will be in setting the direction for managing the native vegetation, biodiversity, water sources and soils in our catchments." -- Minister's foreword.
Includes bibliographic references--pp. 67-68.
"February 2003".
Includes tables.
"The South East Region is bounded on the west by the Snowy Mountains and on the east seaward to three nautical miles. It encompasses alpine and sub-alpine areas, the legendary plains and the high country of the Monaro." -- p. 7.
Internal ID Number: 29596
ISBN: 0734753462
Appears in Collections:Department of Land and Water Conservation [1995-2003]

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