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Title: Junior Waterwatch teachers' guide : a guide for involving stages 2-3 students in monitoring their local waterway
Authors: Waterwatch New South Wales
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water
Keywords: Water quality;Environmental monitoring;Water quality management;Environmental education
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: DECCW,
Description: "This "Junior Waterwatch Teachers' Guide" and the accompanying "Waterwatch Field Manual" have been designed to provide a complete guide to designing and implementing the Waterwatch program within secondary schools in New South Wales, to meet curriculum outcomes."--How to use this guide.
"DECCW 2009/501"--Verso t.p.
Internal ID Number: 29559
ISBN: 9781742323763
Appears in Collections:Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water [2009 -2011]

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Junior Waterwatch Teachers Guide a Guide for Involving Stages 2-3 Students in Monitoring Their Local Waterway.pdfJunior Waterwatch Teachers Guide a Guide for Involving Stages 2-3 Students in Monitoring Their Local Waterway.pdf16.2 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail

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