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dc.description.abstractThis report documents significant organizational and operational changes within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of New South Wales during the fiscal year 1975-1976. The Service underwent its most substantial restructuring since establishment, including major administrative reorganization and the creation of specialized departments such as Environmental Education and Extension Services and Scientific Services. The estate expanded by 137,614 hectares, incorporating four new national parks and eight nature reserves. Notable achievements include enhanced staff training programs, establishment of the first regional office in Grafton, and increased commercial partnerships in park facilities. Scientific research focused on wetland assessment and waterfowl population management, while public engagement initiatives reached approximately 175,000 people through educational programs. The period marked substantial progress in conservation management and public education, laying groundwork for the Service's centenary celebrations of Royal National Park in 1979. These developments represent a strategic shift toward more effective conservation management and enhanced public engagement in New South Wales' natural heritage.en
dc.formatAnnual reporten
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNational Parks and Wildlife Service annual reportsen
dc.source/mnt/conversions/nswdpe/20220727_1_DPIE 4 Parramatta Square (128 boxes)//Scanned Files/Box 11/Annual Report 1976.pdfen
dc.subjectScanned Filesen
dc.subjectAnnual reporten
dc.subjectPark managementen
dc.subjectParks reserves and protected areasen
dc.subject.lcshCorporation reportsen
dc.titleNational Parks and Wildlife Service Annual Report 1976en
dc.contributor.corpauthorNational Parks and Wildlife Serviceen
Appears in Collections:National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present]

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