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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorPenny Heuston, Penny Heuston-
dc.identifier.issn2206-5480 (online)-
dc.identifier.issn0812-907X (print)-
dc.description.abstractEffective weed control in winter crops is a vital part of successful and profitable crop production. Yield losses and crop loss, reducing grain yield and quality and for harvesting. Thoroughly investigate which weed species are likely to germinate in a paddock before sowing crops with limited herbicide control options.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWeed control in winter crops;-
dc.subjectWeeds - Control - New South Wales - Periodicalsen
dc.subjectWeeds - environmental aspectsen
dc.subjectWeeds - Economic aspectsen
dc.titleWeed control in winter crops 2025en
Appears in Collections:Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development [2024- ]

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