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Title: Sustainable heritage buildings guide : improving the environmental performance of heritage buildings in NSW
Authors: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Keywords: Heritage buildings
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Environment and Heritage. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Abstract: This guide provides policy and practical guidance intended to foster meaningful progress towards more sustainable heritage buildings. Actions to improve the environmental performance of our heritage buildings don’t need to come at the cost of heritage outcomes. This guide outlines a range of interventions, from simple to more complex, that can support and enhance heritage structures while reducing their environmental footprint. Successful improvements and retrofits to heritage buildings begin with a thorough understanding of a building’s construction method, heritage significance, previous modifications to the building, the environmental context and planned future use. Decisions about retrofit should start with this understanding with heritage conservation acting as a frame through which to improve environmental performance with thoughtful intervention.
ISBN: 978-1-923285-10-1
Appears in Collections:Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water [2024-present]

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