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Title: Rice crop protection guide 2024-25
Authors: David Troldahl
Jess Hoskins
Department of Regional NSW
Keywords: Rice;Rice -- New South Wales -- Quality -- Periodicals.;Rice -- Diseases and pests -- Control;Molinate
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Series/Report no.: Rice crop protection guide;
Abstract: This publication provides a general summary of some of the provisions under the Pesticides Act 1999, the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Health and Safety Regulation 2011, and subordinate legislation as interpreted by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment at the time of writing (September 2024). Compliance with the Acts and their subordinate legislative instruments is a legal requirement. This publication does not provide or purport to provide legal advice. Users are reminded of the need to ensure that the information upon which they rely is up to date by checking the currency of the information at the Department of Regional NSW website or with the user’s independent legal adviser
ISSN: 1832 – 6668
Appears in Collections:Department of Regional NSW [2020 - 2024]

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