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dc.contributor.authorSimpfendorfer, Steven-
dc.contributor.authorFensbo, Finn-
dc.contributor.authorShapland, Robyn-
dc.description.abstractKey findings • Normal foliar fungicide application ~50 cm above the crop canopy did not provide any yield benefit. • Targeting the incrop application of fungicides at the base of plants provided a minor (5–10%) yield improvement but is NOT a complete control measure under high crown rot levels. • Slashing at GS30 had a negative impact on yield with no added CR but no impact on yield in the presence of added CR. However, slashing also reduced grain protein levels by nearly 1% compared to other treatments.en
dc.publisherDepartment of Primary Industriesen
dc.subject2013, crown rot, fungicide, fusarium, Garah, inoculum, Predicta-B, protein, slashing, variety, wheat, yielden
dc.titleImpact of fungicide application or slashing on crown rot – Garah 2013en
dc.title.alternativeNorthern NSW research results 2014en
dc.typeBook chapteren
Appears in Collections:DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present]

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