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dc.contributor.authorHertel, Kathi-
dc.contributor.authorSerafin, Loretta-
dc.contributor.authorChapman, Craig-
dc.contributor.authorPerfrement, Peter-
dc.description.abstractKey findings • There was a significant difference in the type of planter on soybean crop establishment (p <0.05 L.S.D. 4.22), the Monosem disc seeder averaged 13 plants/m2 and the cone seeder with the tyne assembly averaging almost double – 25.4 plants/m2. • Sown on 90 cm row spacing, as target × populations increased, the percentage of seed that established progressively declined: achieving 95% establishment at the target population of 10 plants/m2 to 55% of seed (or 27 plants/m2) where 50 plants/m2 were targeted. • Soybean yield was significantly impacted by the type of planter. Overall yield sown with the tyne planter was 2.54 t/ha, the disc planter averaging 2.12 t/ha (p <0.05 L.S.D. 0.14). These differences are largely attributed to the interaction between planter and population, which was not statistically significant. • Crop population impacted significantly on yield. Highest yields were recorded where populations achieved by the tyne planter averaged 23, 31 and 35 plants/m2. Yields were 2.64, 2.73 and 2.87 t/ha respectively (p <0.05 L.S.D. 0.27). • Planting equipment and crop populations had no significant effect on soybean seed quality characteristics like seed size, oil or protein content.en
dc.publisherDepartment of Primary Industriesen
dc.subject2013, 2014, black vertosol, cone seeder, establishment, Moonbi, nitrogen rate, oil, precision planter, protein, seed size, soybean, target plant population, variety, yielden
dc.titleSoybean response to planting with Precision planter and cone seeder – Liverpool Plains 2013–14en
dc.title.alternativeNorthern NSW research results 2015en
dc.typeBook chapteren
Appears in Collections:DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present]

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