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dc.contributor.authorGraham, Rick-
dc.contributor.authorMorphett, Stephen-
dc.contributor.authorMcMullen, Guy-
dc.description.abstractKey findings • Grain yield (GY) results highlight the importance of sowing varieties in their recommended sowing window. • Early sowing of short season varieties resulted in significant GY penalties, with Dart [PBR] for example experiencing a 2.4 t/ha (42%) yield penalty from a TOS 1 (April 23) versus a main season TOS 2 (May 15) sowing date, due principally to frost induced sterility. • Delayed sowing of longer season varieties such as EGA Eaglehawk [PBR] TOS 1 to TOS 2, resulted in a 1.2 t/ha (22%) GY loss. • Lancer [PBR] and Suntop [PBR] performed well in both TOS 1 and TOS 2 and would appear good varietal choices for this sowing window and environment. • Mitch [PBR] and Spitfire [PBR] maintained yield and ranking with a main season (TOS 2) and a delayed TOS 3 (June 12) sowing date. Sunmate [PBR] was able to maintain yield ranking from delayed sowings in TOS 3 and TOS 4 (July 4). • Averaged across varieties there was a negative effect of delays in sowing on yield with a reduction of 1.27 t/ha from TOS 2 to TOS 3, with a further reduction of 1.23 t/ha at TOS 4, associated with increased temperature and moisture stress during the critical grain fill period.en
dc.publisherDepartment of Primary Industriesen
dc.subject2014, black vertosol, bread wheat, durum, frost, grain quality, grain yield, heat, Narrabri, sowing date, varietyen
dc.titleResponse of current and potential wheat varieties to four sowing dates – Narrabri 2014en
dc.title.alternativeNorthern NSW research results 2015en
dc.typeBook chapteren
Appears in Collections:DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present]

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