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Title: Preliminary Environmental Investigation of Impacts of Mining Activities Report R983107B 31 July 1998
Authors: Paul Fredrickson
Department of Mineral Resources
Keywords: White Leeds Station;Lead poisoning - Cattle;Pinnacles Mine;lead sampling program
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: NSW Department of Mineral Resources. Environment Unit. Environmental Geochemistry Services
Abstract: A number of cattle deaths were reported in 1997 on White Leeds Station in the Pinnacles Paddock, which surrounds the Pinnacles Mine about 14 km SW of Broken I Hill. Follow up studies by NSW Agriculture showed elevated levels of lead in tissue, offal and faeces of dead animals and in blood of living animals, and concluded that the cattle from paddocks on White Leeds Station both in the Pinnacles Paddock and I the House Paddock had been exposed to potentially significant lead intakes.
Internal ID Number: R983107B
Appears in Collections:Department of Mineral Resources [II] [1991-2004]

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