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Title: Geological Assessment West Bellanbi Project GS 1983-418 September 1983 02
Keywords: Report (Geological Survey of New South Wales); 1983/418;Bulli Seam - NSW;Wongawilli Seam - NSW;Coal mines and mining - New South Wales;Bellambi Coal Company
Issue Date: 1983
Abstract: Bellambi Coal Company is concerned about the quality of coal available to them to maintain the South Bulli operation and to commence a new mine at West Bellambi. In order to improve the viability of both operations the company has requested that additional coal resources be allocated to them.. An assessment of the company's claims supports arguments that the quality of coal available to the company would be improved by re-allocation of the Loddon area to them. The evidence is, however, inconclusive as to whether this could be effective in maintaining employment at the mines.
Internal ID Number: CGB 1983-042
GS 1983/418
Appears in Collections:Department of Mineral Resources [I] [1980-1988]

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