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dc.contributor.authorPittman, Edward Fisher-
dc.descriptionAnnual report 1921-
dc.descriptionNewcastle Coal Measures-
dc.description.abstractTHE " Coal Resources of New South Wales " was prepared by E. F. Pittman, A.R.S.M., the late Under Secretary for Mines and former Government Geologist of New South Wales, and was published in 1912. The issue has been exhausted and a new and enlarged edition is now in course of preparation, and will be published during 1922. In the meantime, for the convenience of those interested in the coal resources of the State it has been decided to republish that portion dealing with the analyses of the various coals, which, though not representing the actual character of the present working faces in the individual collieries, give a generally accurate statement as to the composition of the products of the different coal fields. The following pages have been reprinted from that work, with the addition of more recent Statistical returns.-
dc.source/mnt/conversions/nswdpe/20220815_1_DPIE//Scanned Files/Box 22/The Coal Resources of New South Wales 1921.pdfen
dc.subjectCoal mines and mining - New South Walesen
dc.subjectCoal - New South Walesen
dc.titleThe Coal Resources of New South Walesen
dc.contributor.corpauthorDepartment of Mines-
dc.contributor.corpauthorGeological Survey of NSW-
Appears in Collections:Geological Survey of NSW [1874 -present]

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