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dc.contributor.authorSerafin, Loretta-
dc.contributor.authorHellyer, Mark-
dc.contributor.authorPerfrement, Peter-
dc.description.abstractKey findings • Yields from the 35,000 plants/ha and 45,000 plants/ha target plant populations were significantly higher than the 25,000 plants/ha treatment (by 0.52–0.56 t/ha). Plant population did not affect oil content. • The solid 75 cm treatment achieved a yield significantly higher than the solid 100 cm and superwide (150 cm) configurations. Varying row configuration did not affect oil content. • Ausigold 62 and Hyoleic 41 produced higher yields than the experimental sunflower hybrid. Ausigold 62 had significantly higher oil content than the other two hybrids evaluated.en
dc.publisherDepartment of Primary Industriesen
dc.subject2014, 2015, establishment, grain quality, grain yield, oil content, Pine Ridge, population, row configuration, sunflower, varietyen
dc.titleSunflower row configuration × population × hybrid – Pine Ridge 2014–15en
dc.title.alternativeNorthern NSW research results 2016en
dc.typeBook chapteren
Appears in Collections:DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present]

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