DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present] : [736] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 736
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
NRR2016-Simpfendorfer Graham crown rot Tulloona-+.pdf.jpg2016Yield impact of crown rot and sowing time on winter cereal crop and variety selection – Tulloona 2015Simpfendorfer, Steven; Graham, Rick; Graham, Neroli 
NRR2016-Simpfendorfer Brooke crown rot Nyngan-+.pdf.jpg2016Regional crown rot management – Nyngan 2015Simpfendorfer, Steven; Brooke, Greg; Shapland, Robyn 
NRR2016-Simpfendorfer barley durum wheat crown rot Tamworth-+.pdf.jpg2016Response of barley, durum and bread wheat varieties to crown rot across two sowing times – Tamworth 2014Simpfendorfer, Steven 
NRR2016-serafin Hellyer sunflower Pine Ridge-+.pdf.jpg2016Sunflower contribution of leaves to grain yield and quality – Pine Ridge 2014–15Serafin, Loretta; Hellyer, Mark; Perfrement, Peter 
NRR2016-serafin Hellyer sunflower Pine Ridge 2-+.pdf.jpg2016Sunflower row configuration × population × hybrid – Pine Ridge 2014–15Serafin, Loretta; Hellyer, Mark; Perfrement, Peter 
NRR2016-serafin Hellyer sorghum Terry Hie Hie-+.pdf.jpg2016Sorghum row direction × configuration × hybrid – Terry Hie Hie 2014–15Serafin, Loretta; Hellyer, Mark; Perfrement, Peter 
NRR2016-serafin Hellyer sorghum Spring Ridge-+.pdf.jpg2016Sorghum row direction × configuration × hybrid – Spring Ridge 2014–15Serafin, Loretta; Hellyer, Mark; Perfrement, Peter 
NRR2016-serafin Hellyer sorghum Gurley-+.pdf.jpg2016Sorghum in the western zone: row configuration x population x hybrid – “Kelvin”, Gurley 2014–15Serafin, Loretta; Hellyer, Mark; Perfrement, Peter; McMullen, Guy 
NRR2016-serafin Hellyer sorghum Bellata-+.pdf.jpg2016Sorghum in the western zone: row configuration × population × hybrid – “Koiwon”, Bellata 2014–15Serafin, Loretta; Hellyer, Mark; Perfrement, Peter; McMullen, Guy 
NRR2016-serafin Hellyer maize Spring Ridge-+.pdf.jpg2016Maize row configuration × population × hybrid – Spring Ridge 2014–15Serafin, Loretta; Hellyer, Mark; Perfrement, Peter 
NRR2016-serafin Hellyer maize Breeza-+.pdf.jpg2016Maize nitrogen application rate × hybrid under irrigation – Breeza 2014–15Serafin, Loretta; Hellyer, Mark; Perfrement, Peter 
NRR2016-Schwenke Haigh sorghum pt4-+.pdf.jpg2016Strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen fertiliser applied to dryland sorghum. Part 4. Using 15N to discover the fate of N fertiliserSchwenke, Graeme; Haigh, Bruce 
NRR2016-Schwenke Haigh sorghum pt3-+.pdf.jpg2016Strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen fertiliser applied to dryland sorghum. Part 3. Residual impact of N applied in 2013−14 on sorghum grown in 2014−15Schwenke, Graeme; Haigh, Bruce 
NRR2016-Schwenke Haigh sorghum pt2-+.pdf.jpg2016Strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen fertiliser applied to dryland sorghum. Part 2. Nitrous oxide emissionsSchwenke, Graeme; Haigh, Bruce 
NRR2016-Schwenke Haigh sorghum pt1-+.pdf.jpg2016Strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen fertiliser applied to dryland sorghum. Part 1. Effects on crop production and gross marginsSchwenke, Graeme; Haigh, Bruce 
NRR2016-Moore Kelly PRR chickpea rankings-+.pdf.jpg2016Chickpea Phytophthora root rot – 2015 varietal rankings and yield lossesMoore, Kevin; Kelly, Lisa; Hobson, Kristy; Harden, Steve; Martin, Willy; King, Kris; Chiplin, Gail; Bithell, Sean 
NRR2016-Moore Hobson chickpea ascochyta-+.pdf.jpg2016Effect of chickpea Ascochyta blight on the yield of current varieties and advanced breeding lines – Tamworth 2015Moore, Kevin; Hobson, Kristy; Harden, Steve; Nash, Paul; Chiplin, Gail; Bithell, Sean 
NRR2016-Manning Marshman faba Breeza-+.pdf.jpg2016Influence of seed size on the yield of the faba bean variety PBA Nasma[PBR] – Breeza 2015Manning, Bill; Marshman, Stuart; van Leur, Joop; Riley, Merv 
NRR2016-Manning Leur faba rust-+.pdf.jpg2016Rust management strategies for modern faba bean varietiesManning, Bill; van Leur, Joop; Riley, Merv; Marshman, Stuart 
NRR2016-Graham Morphett durum Tulloona-+.pdf.jpg2016Durum wheat variety response to nitrogen management and time of sowing – Tulloona 2015Graham, Rick; Morphett, Stephen; Perfrement, Jim; dal Santo, Michael; Graham, Neroli 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 736