DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present] : [736] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 736
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
NRR15-19-Manning van Leur faba tolerance-+.pdf.jpg2015Tolerance of modern faba bean varieties to two common herbicidesManning, Bill; van Leur, Joop; Riley, Merv; Marshman, Stuart 
NRR15-18-Manning van Leur rust faba-+.pdf.jpg2015Rust management strategies for modern faba bean varietiesManning, Bill; van Leur, Joop; Riley, Merv; Marshman, Stuart 
NRR15-17-Cook Davidson sowthistle doubleknock-+.pdf.jpg2015Comparing effects of night spraying tank mixes and double knocking on glyphosate resistant common sowthistle using boom spray rates – pot experiment 2014Cook, Tony; Davidson, Bill; Miller, Bec 
NRR15-16-Cook Davidson sowthistle-+.pdf.jpg2015Comparison of systemic herbicide and paraquat tank mixtures applied under sunlight or evening conditions on glyphosate resistant sowthistle – pot experiment 2014Cook, Tony; Davidson, Bill; Miller, Bec 
NRR15-15-Cook Davidson summer grass-+.pdf.jpg2015Dose responses of glyphosate resistant and susceptible biotypes of sweet summer grass (Brachiaria eruciformis) at the early tiller growth stage – 2014Cook, Tony; Davidson, Bill; Miller, Bec 
NRR15-14-Cook wild radish-+.pdf.jpg2015Comparison of alternative mode of action herbicides for the control of Group I resistant wild radish (NSW field experiment 2014)Cook, Tony 
NRR15-13-Bithell Moore phytophthora-+.pdf.jpg2015Evaluation of a new DNA tool to detect Phytophthora in paddocksBithell, Sean; Moore, Kevin; Hobson, Kristy; Harden, Steve; McKay, Alan 
NRR15-12-Serafin McMullen seeding sorghum-+.pdf.jpg2015Precision planter versus airseeder for sorghum production – Breeza 2013–14Serafin, Loretta; McMullen, Guy; Carrigan, Nicole; Perfrement, Peter 
NRR15-11-Serafin McMullen sorghum 3-++.pdf.jpg2015Sorghum in the western zone – Row Configuration x Population x Hybrid – Tulloona 2013–14Serafin, Loretta; McMullen, Guy; Carrigan, Nicole; Perfrement, Peter 
NRR15-10-Serafin McMullen sorghum 2-+.pdf.jpg2015Managing irrigated sorghum for maximum yield potential – Breeza 2013–14Serafin, Loretta; McMullen, Guy; Carrigan, Nicole; Perfrement, Peter 
NRR15-09-Serafin McMullen sorghum-+.pdf.jpg2015Managing dryland sorghum for maximum yield potential – Breeza 2013–14Serafin, Loretta; McMullen, Guy; Carrigan, Nicole; Perfrement, Peter 
NRR15-08-Hertel Chapman mungbean irrigation-+.pdf.jpg2015Mungbean variety response to irrigation regime – Narrabri 2013–14Hertel, Kathi; Chapman, Craig; Jackson, Rod; Harden, Steven 
NRR15-07-Hertel Chapman mungbean 2-=.pdf.jpg2015Mungbean variety comparison – Breeza, Liverpool Plains 2013–14Hertel, Kathi; Chapman, Craig; Harden, Steven 
NRR15-06-Hertel Chapman mungbean-+.pdf.jpg2015Mungbean variety comparison – Liverpool Plains 2013–14Hertel, Kathi; Chapman, Craig; Harden, Steven 
NRR15-05-Graham Morphett malt barley-+.pdf.jpg2015Evaluation of new and potential malt barley varieties – Spring Ridge 2014Graham, Rick; Morphett, Stephen; Perfrement, Jim; McMullen, Guy 
NRR15-04-Graham Morphett wheat sowing-+.pdf.jpg2015Response of current and potential wheat varieties to four sowing dates – Narrabri 2014Graham, Rick; Morphett, Stephen; McMullen, Guy 
NRR15-03-Graham McMullen barley sowing-+.pdf.jpg2015Yield and grain quality response of barley cultivars to four sowing dates – Narrabri 2014Graham, Rick; McMullen, Guy 
NRR15-02-Brooke Jenkins sowing wheat-+.pdf.jpg2015Sowing time response of 21 wheat varieties – Trangie 2014Brooke, Greg; Jenkins, Leigh; McMullen, Guy 
NRR15-01-Brooke Jenkins cereal weed-+.pdf.jpg2015Cereal variety x weed competition – Trangie 2014Brooke, Greg; Jenkins, Leigh; Graham, Rick; McMullen, Guy 
NRR2016-Verrell Jenkins faba-+.pdf.jpg2016Northern NSW pulse agronomy project – faba bean density experiments 2015Verrell, Andrew; Jenkins, Leigh 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 736